Daily devotion – blessed assurance!

Pastor Keith   -  

I think packing for a trip is nearly as bad as moving house. Two jobs I dislike immensely. For each one you must plan and prepare before getting to complete the task.

Packing for a vacation, when you are attempting to straddle one climate or seasonal shift to another creates a dilemma. Do I pack for extreme cold requiring heavier clothing, or do I take a gamble that the weather will be less inclement. Yes, we have more advanced weather information we can research but with weather forecasting, to base everything on what the meteorologists are predicting is risky. Are the weather predictions always right?

What’s the point of all this – I am so glad that our salvation is not something we base on someone’s educated predictions but the fact of the Word of God. One of my favourite hymns has the words, “Blessed assurance Jesus is mine, oh what a foretaste of glory divine..”

Our salvation is founded on the Rock foundation that is Jesus Christ. This last Sunday I had the privilege of leading a young man to Christ after the morning service and after we had both looked at the Scriptures and prayed, I was able to say to him, “Your salvation now is eternal, and you are Christ’s forevermore!

Imagine basing your forgiveness and acceptance of God, of going to Heaven, on human calculation?

This is why Paul would open each of his letters, except the one to the Galatians, with the precious words … “Grace and Peace…to you..”

We have this grace and peace, because we know we are His!

Paul wrote to the Church in Rome the following wonderful words of assurance about salvation… 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” – Romans 10:9-10

This week, walk and live with the assurance that you are the Lords and no one or no thing can separate you from His love or take you out of His hand!

(Romans 8 and John 10)