Daily devotion – connecting in the modern Church

Pastor Keith   -  

In the days of the early Church, believers made it a passionate habit to meet often.

Acts 2: 46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being saved.

The book of Acts tells us that the believers met daily, praising God, and the Church grew.

How can the modern Church in Secret Harbour today have the same connection and relationship as we read in Acts? Is it achievable?

It’s always amazing what we can achieve when we want to. People who like fitness can go to the gym every day early. People who like to surf can be at the beach with no problems when the surf is good. We can always fit in our workouts and our running even though we have busy schedules. But what’s realistic with school, work, and other such matters for us Christians to gather and connect for more than 1.5 hours on a Sunday morning?

We can connect with all the Church’s needs and urgent prayer matters at Secret Harbour by being part of the 24/7 prayer team.

In addition to Sunday mornings, we can gather with other believers on Sunday evenings at 6:00 and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.

We can connect with the children and youth of CCSH by teaching Sunday school, assisting the Youth leaders every Friday night youth night, and offering to serve at the Church by cleaning and helping with maintenance.

We can, as men, set aside our evenings to meet with the other men of the fellowship when men’s nights are on. Similarly, the women have each Tuesday mornings fortnightly to gather with the women of CCSH to study God’s Word, pray with one another, and comfort one another.

We can receive the daily devotion and follow the Church’s Twitter, Instagram and YouTube channels.

Being part of a local fellowship, passionate about it like those in the early Church, is what we should and can aim at. This adds a great deal to our attending 1.5 hours each Sunday. We live in a disjointed and poor communicating society even though we are more electronically connected than ever in our world’s history.

Couples and entire families can sit together at a coffee shop for over an hour and not talk! They are too busy texting, surfing the internet, or checking their SMS.

My prayer for CCSH is that we aim to emulate the early Church and its desire to gather together whenever possible.

Our prayer is that this becomes your desire, too!