Daily devotion – The Lord’s prayer – our help and our hope.

Pastor Keith   -  

It is easy to lose heart in today’s world as we read of absurd lifestyles that people now seek to identify with. Around the world our streets are filled with continuous protestors against Israel, oil producers, meanwhile the religion of Climate Change is gathering a vast congregation.

Governments, in order to appease the ‘squeaky wheels’, will make ridiculous laws and forever change their affections, just to stay in power.

Our world has gone crazy and the speed of its degeneration is at an alarming rate!

All these things when we are fixed on them bring emotions of anger, despair, unbelief and leave us shaking our heads so much that if we continue, they will fall off our shoulders.

But thanks be unto God, Jesus Christ’s return for His Church is imminent. He promised He would come back for us; Paul spoke of it at length and Peter tells us how we should be living knowing Christ’s return is soon.

Last night at our weekly prayer meeting we prayed in accordance with Daniel’s magnificent prayer when he was in Babylon, when the children of Israel  were soon to return back to Jerusalem as God had promised after 70 years of captivity in Babylon.

We interceded for our nation Australia. We confessed our sins before God, We asked God for His mercy on our nation. We asked that He stay His judgment falling on us. We asked as did Daniel three times, that He would hear our prayers.

How do we cope, stay sane, have assurance that our children are in God’s care with the state of our world now?

The Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6 is often used as a model to pray by as we did on Wednesday with Daniel’s prayer in chapter 9.

But I want to recommend to you that you use this beautiful prayer in these Last Days as your prayer. Each line, each thought, every word is filled with the answers and help that you and I can trust in and on at this time.

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Pray this prayer today, each time you are overwhelmed and the Lord will fill your sails once again with the power and strength of the Holy Spirit and remove darkness from over you and give you strength to walk before the Lord and glorify Him – no matter what is going on around us!